How It WOrks

Step 1

Complete a registration form by clicking here.
You will need your 9-digit SAMS ID (Ontario Works registration number) to get started. Make sure to provide us with your preferred delivery window and food choices.

Step 2

Our Intake Specialists will review your application and verify your eligibility for the program.
This part might take up to a few weeks; verifications will take place during the first half of each month.
You will be notified of your eligibility status once your application has been reviewed.

Step 3

Once all eligibilities are confirmed for the month, our team will be working hard to build a delivery schedule.
You will be notified of your delivery window around the middle of the month.

Step 4

You will receive a reminder email 24 to 48 hours prior to your delivery. Please make sure someone is home to receive the delivery – food boxes will not be left unattended.

Step 5

Enjoy your box of quality protein and fresh fruits and vegetables!

Step 6

Your subscription will roll over to next month.
Please inform us of any changes to your preferences or contact information by the end of the month

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